Page 22 - 2024 Tax Catalog
P. 22

1099 BLANK FORMS                                                                                                22

        1099 Blank Forms

        Order by the sheet in increments of 25

        •  The IRS recommends that recipient copies be printed                                    Instructions Here
          on perforated paper                                     Instructions Here
        •  Form pictures indicate which parts of the form have
          instructions printed on the back (unless noted)
                                                                                                 Instructions Here
        1099 Blank Laser Paper
        Item #       Description            Envelope
        WONEPERF05   2up 1099-MISC, -B, -DIV, -R   RDWENV05       Instructions Here
        WONEPERFMI05  2up with 1099-MISC
                     instructions on the top form   RDWENV05                                     Instructions Here
        80014        2up with 1099-MISC
                     instructions on both forms   RDWENV05
        B99PERFNI05   3up with 1/2" side perf with         2up Blank Paper                 3up Blank Paper
                     1099-NEC instructions on
                     all three panels      99DWENV05       WONEPERF05                      B99PERFNI05 (with 1099-NEC
        80637        2up with  1 /2 "  side perf   RDWENV05  WONEPERFMI05 (with 1099-MISC   instructions on all three panels)
                                                           instructions on top form)
        B99PERF05    3up with  1 /2 "  side perf   99DWENV05  80014 (with 1099-MISC instructions
        B99PERFMI05   3up with  1 /2 ”side perf with       on both forms)
                     1099-MISC instructions on
                     all three panels      99DWENV05
        4UPPERF05    4up 1099-MISC, -R   R4UPDWENV05
        80728        4up 1099-R with instructions  R4UPDWENV05
        B4PERF05     4up Universal 1099-R,
                     1099-MISC and 1099-NEC   1970*
        9ONEPERF05   1099 3up without side perf   99ENVA
        BINTBLNK     2up with 1099-INT
                     instructions          RDWENV05
        *Not for users of ATX, TaxWise, or Client Accounting Suite .

                                                                                                       1 /2 "  side perf
        REQUEST A SAMPLE of our envelopes if you                       1 /2 "  side perf
        plan to use them with blank 1099 paper . It’s important
        to ensure that window placement is compatible with the
        information your software prints .                 3up Blank Paper with side perf  2up Blank Paper with side perf
                                                           B99PERF05                       80637
                                                           B99PERFMI05 (with 1099-MISC inst .)
                                                           9ONEPERF05 (no side perf)

                                                           MISC:    MISC:   MISC:
                                                           Recipient   Recipient   Recipient
                                                           State Copy  Copy  Instructions
                                                           1099-R:   1099-R:  1099-R:
                                                           Recipient   Recipient   Recipient
                                                           Federal   State Copy State or
                                                           Copy             Local Copy

                                                           MISC: Payer  MISC: Payer Copy and
                                                           State Copy  Payer Instructions
                                                           1099-R:   1099-R: Recipient
                                                           Recipient   Instructions

                                                           4up Universal Blank Paper       4up Blank Paper
                                                           B4PERF05                        4UPPERF05
                                                                                           80728 (with 1099-R instructions)
   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25