Page 4 - 2024 Tax Catalog
P. 4

W-2 SOFTWARE COMPATIBILITY                                                                                        4

        W-2 Software Compatibility Guide

        Software Compatible with Preprinted W-2 Formats    PREPRINTED W-2 FORMATS
        Software                 Compatible Formats
        1099-ETC (AMS)           A, B, C, D, E
        ATX MAX                  A, C, D
        Client Accounting Suite   A
        CS Professional          A, B, D
        EasyACCT                 A, D
        Pensoft                  A
        QuickBooks Basic PR      A
        QuickBooks Enhanced PR   A
        QuickBooks Standard PR   A
        TaxWise W2/1099          A, D
        Yearli Desktop           A, B, C, D, E             A. Traditional, two   B. Condensed 2up, one    C. Condensed 3up, one
                                                                                employee, two copies
                                                                                                     employee, three copies
                                                           employees per page
        We have compatibility information for many other software               per page             per page
        programs. Call us if you don't see the program you are looking for.

                      AVAILABLE FOR ALL FORMS.
                      SEE PAGE 11.
                                                           D. Condensed 4up Quadrant,   E. Condensed 4up    F. Continuous
                                                           one employee, four copies   Horizontal, one employee,
                                                           per page             four copies per page

        Software Compatible with Blank W-2 Formats         BLANK W-2 FORMATS                                 Free Samples
        Software                 Compatible Formats                                                            To Ensure
        1099-ETC (AMS)           G, H, I, J, K                                                                Compatibility
        ATX MAX                  H, I, K
        Client Accounting Suite   G, I, J, K
        CS Professional          G, H, I
        EasyACCT                 I, L
        Pensoft                  G, I
        QuickBooks Assisted PR   J
        QuickBooks Enhanced PR   I, L
        QuickBooks Standard PR   I, L
        SAGE BusinessWorks       I
        Sage 50 - U .S . Edition   I                       G. 2up               H. 3up with  3/4 "  side perf  I. 4up Quadrant
        SAGE 100 ERP             I
        TaxWise W2/1099          I, K
        Yearli Desktop           G, H, I, K
        We have compatibility information for many other software
        programs. Call us if you don't see the program you are looking for.

         All brand names are the property of their respective companies.
                                                           J. 4up Horizontal    K. Universal for printing   L. 3up for QuickBooks &
                                                                                W-2 and 1099s on one stock  EasyACCT with  1/2 "  side perf
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