Page 20 - HR Solutions Catalog
P. 20
Workplace Safety & Training Workplace Safety & Training
and Controlling Forklift Safety
BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS Bloodborne Infections
The Danger of Bloodborne pathogens are organisms or viruses in human blood that can infect and cause disease. Other Handling Fire 10 Steps to Safety
body fluids can also cause infection, including semen, vaginal secretions, saliva, and any other body fluid
that is visibly contaminated with blood.
Bloodborne Who Is at Risk? Lifesaving Posters Forklift Safety Bundle
Pathogens FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Emergencies
Anyone who may come in contact with blood or other bodily fluids is at risk. These individuals include anyone
who may deliver first-response medical care and/or have potential blood/fluid exposure, such as health care
providers, emergency-response workers, housekeeping staffers, police, firefighters and lifeguards.
2. Loading & Unloading
To avoid infection and disease, practice a method called Universal Precautions, developed by the Center For Disease 1. Training Brakes shall be set and wheel blocks shall be Dockboard or bridgeplates, shall be properly 3. Batteries
1. Remain calm.
Control. This method assumes that all bodily fluids are potentially dangerous, and recommends the use of workplace
How to Avoid In Case of Fi 2. Find out exactly WHERE the closest fire extinguisher is mounted. The employer shall certify that each in place to prevent movement of trucks, trailers, secured before they are driven over, with their & Fuel Tanks
mucous –
safety precautions, as well as personal protective equipment that does not allow blood or other potentially infectious
rated capacity never exceeded. Only loads within
3. Follow evacuation procedures.
or railroad cars while loading or unloading.
materials to pass through it to reach your work clothes, street clothes, undergarments, skin, eyes, mouth, or other
• Before attempting to exit, feel the door. If it is warm, DO NOT open – seek an alternate
Infection as AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). CPR Use common sense with any serious injury. Communicate lifesaving techniques clearly while complying Makes forklift safety a priority and follow OSHA rules operator has been trained and evaluated The flooring of trucks, trailers, and railroad cars the rated capacity of the truck shall be handled. Fuel tanks shall not be filled while
Call 911 • If the room fills with smoke, drop to your hands and knees – where you have the best The certification shall include the name they are driven onto. tilt to stabilize the load shall be used. be avoided.
the engine is running and spillage shall
Call 911 (or other emergency number) for assistance right away. Know the type of injury and the exact location of the victim. Avoid moving
as required by 29 CFR 1910.178(1).
shall be checked for breaks and weakness before
When stacking or tiering, only enough backward
exit. If there is no alternate exit, remain in the room and call for help. If the door is cool,
open the door and exit. Close the door behind you.
the victim whenever possible; bring help to him/her instead. Know where AEDs and first aid kits are kept. This information does not take the
of the operator, the date of the training,
place of CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) training. For emergency first aid and CPR training, contact your Human Resources Department,
Trucks in need of repairs to the
the date of the evaluation, and the
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system, and can eventually cause a disease known
chance of finding breathable air – and crawl to the nearest safe exit.
local Red Cross or American Heart Association. These instructions are for adults only (infant and children CPR differ).
disconnected prior to such repairs.
What is How Is HIV Transmitted? • Do not use the elevator – use the stairs. with OSHA’s General Duty Clause. with this comprehensive training compliance bundle. identity of the person(s) performing electrical system shall have the battery
the training or evaluation.
Bloodborne pathogens such as HIV and HBV may be present in body fluids, primarily blood and semen. All body fluids and tissues
Common Types1
HIV/AIDS? should be regarded as potentially infectious and handled using universal precautions. HIV is primarily transmitted through sexual Always 4. Routine
CHOKING classes of fires they can put out. A red slash through any of the Please Print Truck # ______________________________ Week Ending _____________________________ Checks
contact, needle sharing, and contact with contaminated blood or body fluids. It is NOT transmitted by touching or “casual contact”
Make sure it is safe to
Every fire extinguisher is labeled using standard symbols for the
with a person who has HIV.
Forklift Operator’s Daily Checklist
Follow these steps for adults and children over 8 years of age who have an obstructed airway.
Do not put yourself in danger. Do not touch the victim if he/she
Use common sense with any serious injury. Call 911 (or other emergency number) for assistance right away. Know the type of injury
appears to have been electrocuted. Call 911 immediately.
symbols tells you the extinguisher cannot be used on that class
approach the victim:
and the exact location of the victim. Avoid moving the victim whenever possible; bring help to him/her instead. Know where AEDs and
first aid kits are kept. This information does not take the place of CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) training. For emergency first aid
of fire. Some portable extinguishers are labeled “multipurpose” –
Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver. It can be caused by infectious agents, medications or toxins. There are several types of
• Stunt driving and horseplay shall
and CPR training, contact your Human Resources Department, local Red Cross or American Heart Association.
infectious hepatitis such as A, B, Non-A/Non-B, C and Delta. Hepatitis B presents the greatest risk to workers in the health care industry.
What is of Fires meaning that they can be used on any class of fire. ■ Includes laminated poster with 10 vital Forklift inspections must be completed daily at the beginning of each shift. If no problems are found, place a check (✓) in the OK box. Industrial trucks shall be examined
before being placed in service, and
How Is HBV Transmitted?
not be permitted.
1. Class A Fires: Ordinary combustibles such as wood, cloth,
shall not be placed in service if the
If the item does not pass inspection, place a check in the NEEDS MAINT. box and describe the problem in the Comments section.
HBV (Hepatitis B Virus) can be transmitted through sexual contact, needle sharing and exposure to contaminated blood or body
paper, rubber and many plastics.
1 if the victim can be “reasonably anticipated.” 2 Observe the situation neck injury. If there is no response or the victim is not breathing or only procedures to help avoid accidents Place check in Date _________ Date _________ Date _________ Date _________ roadway surface shall be avoided. Date _________ Date ________ at least daily. Defects when found shall
Hepatitis? Determine fluids. The occupational risk of HBV infection directly relates to the extent of worker contact with infected blood/body fluids. m, tap him/her gently and ask loudly, Poster Set (1 of each shown) Hour Meter Reading: # # # # • Fire aisles, access to stairways, and # examination shows any condition
If it’s safe, approach the victi
fire equipment shall be kept clear #
“Are you all right?” Do not shake the victim if you suspect a back or
adversely affecting the safety of the
Vaccination must be offered within 10 days of assignment to a job where exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials
2. Class B Fires: Flammable liquids such as gasoline, oil, grease,
Choking is recognizable when the victim CANNOT breathe, cough
• Running over loose objects on the
vehicle. Such examination shall be made
/ /
/ /
tar, oil-based paint, lacquer and flammable gas.
Date ________
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
gasping for air, have a bystander call 911, or call yourself if no bystanders
Know The 3 Most Common Types of or talk – no air is moving through the person’s throat. Ask, “Are you
and attempt to wake
3. Class C Fires: Energized electrical equipment – including
are present, and immediately proceed to the next step. If possible, place
be immediately reported and corrected.
Fires – and Which Extinguisher to Use choking?” If the victim can breathe, cough or speak, stand by, but
wiring, fuse boxes, circuit breakers, machinery and appliances.
the phone on speaker so the dispatcher can help you check for breathing,
do not interfere.
the victim:
applicable box
❏ ✓
get your precise location, and provide help with performing CPR.
❏ ✓
❏ ✓
❏ ✓
❏ ✓
❏ ✓
❏ ✓
❏ ✓
Check Your is choking: A written exposure control plan is required if it can be reasonably anticipated that one or more employees may have 1 2 3 WR0242 – English • WR0236 – Spanish Accelerator OK MAINT. ❏ ✓ APPROVAL (Initials) OK MAINT. ❏ ✓ APPROVAL OK MAINT. ❏ ✓ APPROVAL OK MAINT. ❏ ✓ 10. Keep APPROVAL OK MAINT. ❏ ✓ APPROVAL (Initials) OK MAINT. ❏ ✓ APPROVAL 5. Traveling
If the victim responds but is injured or needs medical assistance, you or
skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials while
a bystander must phone 911. Recheck the victim’s condition frequently.
performing their job. This plan should list each task and procedure with “occupational exposure” and explain the
WArning: It is very dangerous to use water or a Class A Extinguisher on a Class B or Class C fire. Take the time now to learn
If the victim is NOT
Employer’s Written which extinguishers are appropriate for each category. Brakes – Parking Trucks Clean
Stand behind the victim and wrap your arms around the person’s
means and methods the employer has adopted in order to satisfy OSHA requirements. (See, Title 29, Code of
standard gloves employers usually provide. 3
Federal Regulations, 1910.1030.)
Exposure Plan talking, coughing waist above the navel. Make a fist, with thumb side against the Place the victim on a hard surface in a face-up position. ■ Checklist help identify possible Brakes – Service Industrial trucks shall be kept in a clean All traffic regulations shall be observed,
including authorized plant speed limits.
stomach (above the waist and well below the breastbone),
or breathing:
If you do not suspect
condition, free of lint, excess oil, and
and grasp your fist with your other hand.
A safe distance shall be maintained
Hour Meter
If an unresponsive victim is face down, roll the victim to a face-up
How to Use Your Extinguisher (P.A.S.S.)
approximately three truck lengths from
grease. Noncombustible agents should
position by placing one hand gently on the head and neck and the
• Gloves where blood, blood products or body fluids will be handled.
a back or neck injury:
Evaluator’s Copy
the truck ahead, and the truck shall be
Lights – Head and Tail Forklift Operator Evaluation
3 Pull your fist Use quick upward and inward thrusts. Repeat as necessary, until other on the hip, turning the victim as a unit. Individual Posters: Hydraulic Controls Forklift Operator Evaluation be used for cleaning trucks. (Includes Evaluator’s Copy kept under control at all times.
• Hypoallergenic gloves, glove liners or other alternatives for employees who are allergic to the
solvents with flashpoints above 100 F.)
Lights – Warning Please Print
If the load being carried obstructs
• Masks, eye protectors, and other face shields for procedures that could involve more extensive
Please Print
What to Wear toward the contact with blood or body fluids, including the risk of potential splash or splatter to the mucous Locate the middle of the breastbone by drawing an imaginary maintenance issues early Overhead Guard Operator’s Name _____________________________________________________________ Evaluation Date ________________ Last Training Date ________________ forward view, the driver shall be
the obstruction is cleared or the victim becomes unconscious.
9. Beware
membranes of the face (eyes, mouth, etc.).
/ /
victim’s stomach:
If this should happen, call 911 immediately.
/ /
required to travel with the load trailing.
/ /
/ /
• Pocket masks, resuscitation bags, mouthpieces, or other ventilation devices with a one-way valve
used during resuscitation of a patient to minimize exposure. Keep these devices within easy reach line between the nipples. Place the heel of one hand just below Steering Operator’s Name _____________________________________________________________ Evaluation Date ________________ Last Training Date ________________ The driver shall be required to look in
of Ramps
Work Location _______________________________________________________________
Evaluator’s Name _______________________________________________
4 becomes 1. Wash hands thoroughly after removing gloves and wash hands or any other part of your body with soap and ■ Includes informative forklift training video Engine Oil Level Inspecting the Forklift (Pre-Operation) S US N/A N/A COMMENTS in excess of 10 percent, loaded trucks 8. Avoid COMMENTS 6. Never
The types of personal protective equipment wherever the need for resuscitation is likely. that line and then place the heel of the second hand on top of Choking Poster Tires Work Location _______________________________________________________________ Evaluator’s Name _______________________________________________ the direction of, and keep a clear view
that are appropriate for a given task depend • Gowns and long-sleeved garments that cover the forearms are required for times when blood or the first so the hands are overlapped. Straighten your arms, lock Other of the path of travel.
on the degree of exposure you anticipate If the victim elbows and lean over so your shoulders are in line above S = Satisfactory US = Unsatisfactory N/A = Not Applicable
Carefully lay the victim on his or her back, protecting the head and
Immediately begin
S = Satisfactory US = Unsatisfactory N/A = Not Applicable
neck. Open the airway by placing one hand on the victim’s forehead
(see red bullets): other potentially infectious materials are anticipated. your hands. Using the heels of both hands, firmly push straight Gas, LPG, or Diesel Forklifts Only When ascending or descending grades
and the other hand under the chin and gently tilt the head back
chest compressions:
down approximately 2 inches but no more than 2.4 inches on the
chest. Release pressure completely between pushes, keeping your
shall be driven with the load upgrade.
(head tilt-chin lift). Keep the mouth open. Check for obstruction
Properly operated ramps and inclines
Inspecting the Forklift (Pre-Operation)
Properly operated ramps and inclines
hands on the victim’s chest at all times. Allow the chest to return
water immediately after contact with blood or bodily fluids.
in the airway. If you see an obstruction, reach in and take it out.
Fuel Level
Followed operator daily checklist
Checked for slip/trip/fall hazards and uneven surfaces
to its normal position completely after each compression. Avoid
If you don’t see anything, immediately attempt chest compressions.
Checked for slip/trip/fall hazards and uneven surfaces
engaging means shall be tilted back
Inspecting the Load
5 Ways unconscious: 2. Use disposable needles and syringes whenever possible. Do not recap, bend or cut contaminated needles. WR0236 – English • WR1156 – Spanish Oil Leaks Followed operator daily checklist On all grades the load and load Pedestrians Leave Truck
Inspecting the Load
before to dismounting
before to dismounting
if applicable, and raised only as far
leaning on the chest between compressions. Count the number
Oil Pressure
Maintained 3-point contact when mounting/dismounting
Checked weight distribution and stability of load
3. Place contaminated, sharp instruments like needles and syringes in specially designated rigid, red,
Checked weight distribution and stability of load
as necessary to clear the road surface.
Maintained 3-point contact when mounting/dismounting
of compressions by saying “one and two and three…” Push hard
Load Handling/Stacking/Unstacking
Load Handling/Stacking/Unstacking
Picking up a load
leakproof containers located as close as possible to the area where they are used. Handle and dispose of
Picking up a load
and push fast (rate of 100 to 120 compressions a minute).
these instruments and containers with extraordinary care to prevent possible injury.
to Protect 4. Remove personal protective equipment and clothing before leaving your work area or when the garment Radiator Water Level Cleared personnel from the area of the load Cleared personnel from the area near the load Trucks shall not be driven up to anyone 7. Repairs & A powered industrial truck is unattended
Locate the middle of the breastbone by drawing an imaginary line
Cleared personnel from the area near the load
Cleared personnel from the area of the load
standing in front of a bench or other
between the nipples. Place the heel of one hand just below that
Fork positioning
Electric Forklifts Only Fork positioning
Made sure there was sufficient clearance for the load
Made sure there was sufficient clearance for the load
If you are not trained in CPR or are uncomfortable with your ability to provide rescue breaths, skip steps 5 and 6 and continue performing chest compressions
5 Begin chest 5. Never eat, drink, smoke, apply cosmetics, handle contact lenses, or apply lip balm in areas where there is extinguisher from side Battery Discharge Indicator Moved forward slowly portion of any truck, whether loaded If at any time a powered industrial truck or whenever the operator leaves the
becomes contaminated. If the garment is penetrated, remove it immediately or as soon as possible. Place
at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions a minute until an AED arrives and is ready for use, the victim begins to move or EMS personnel take over care of the victim.
Yourself Pull the pin.This line and then place the heel of the second hand on top of the first Sweep the CPR Poster Battery Connector Proper penetration into pallet Centered forklift to location fixed object. No person shall be allowed when the operator is 25 ft. or more away
Squeeze the
Aim the nozzle
Proper penetration into pallet
Centered forklift to location
used or contaminated items in the designated containers for storage, decontamination, or disposal.
so the hands are overlapped. Straighten your arms, lock elbows
to stand or pass under the elevated
from the vehicle which remains in view,
Lifted the load carefully and smoothly
Lifted the load carefully and smoothly
Raised the load to the placement level at a controlled speed
Raised the load to the placement level at a controlled speed
unlocks the lever
(or hose) at the
and lean over so your shoulders are in line above your hands.
lever to release the one hand on the victim’s forehead and
Open the airway by placing
Tilted the mast back to stabilize the load
any likelihood of exposure. Food and drink must never be kept in refrigerators, freezers, shelves, cabinets,
Using the heels of both hands, firmly push straight down
Tilted the mast back to stabilize the load
or empty. Unauthorized personnel shall
Moved forward slowly
is found to be in need of repair, defective,
Other Gauges and Instruments
the other hand under the victim’s chin and gently tilt the victim’s
to side, aiming the
approximately 2 inches but no more than 2.4 inches on the chest.
and releases the
vehicle and it is not in his/her view.
Checked for clearance from obstructions
or countertops where blood or other potentially infectious materials are present.
extinguishing agent.
base of the fire.
Checked for clearance from obstructions
or in any way unsafe, the truck shall
Positioned the load properly on the rack
head back (head tilt-chin lift method). Maintaining the open airway,
Positioned the load properly on the rack
Release pressure completely between pushes, keeping your hands
After 30 compressions –
Some extinguishers
Looked over both shoulders before backing out
Looked behind (over both shoulders)
gently pinch the victim’s nose shut and cover the mouth with yours,
industrial trucks.
on the victim’s chest at all times. Allow the chest to return to its
EMERGENCY INFORMATION: compressions: CPR VOLUNTEERS: 5 Be sure to stand This product is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information. However, it is not a substitute for legal or nozzle (or hose) at the WR0245 – English • WR1131 – Spanish W0862 – Bundle – English Checked by (Initials) Looked behind (over both shoulders) Looked over both shoulders before backing out not be permitted to ride on powered be taken out of service until it has b
Backed up slowly
restored to safe operating condition.
creating an airtight seal, or use a mouth guard as shown. Give the
means shall be fully lowered, controls
Stopped forklift before raising/lowering tines
back at least 3 feet.
open the airway a
provided with the understanding that any person or entity involved in creating, producing or distributing this product is base of the fire until
Stopped forklift before raising/lowering tines
normal position completely after each compression. Avoid leaning
Backed up slowly
have a button to
medical advice and does not provide legal or medical opinions on any specific facts or services. The information is
not liable for any damages arising out of the use or inability to use this product. You are urged to consult an attorney and/
victim two full, slow rescue breaths. Each rescue breath should be
on the chest between compressions. Count the number of
Cleared forks of pallet/rack before raising/lowering
911 OR
Stopped forklift before raising/lowering tines
authorized personnel.
Ambulance: ___________________________________________________ Name: ________________________Phone:_______________________________nd or medical professional concerning your particular situation and any specific questions or concerns you may have. Stopped forklift before raising/lowering tines Cleared forks of pallet/rack before raising/lowering All repairs shall be made only by shall be neutralized, power shall be shut
delivered in one second and should cause the chest to rise. Make
off, and brakes set.
compressions by saying “one and two and three …” Push hard
Truck/Trailer Loading/Unloading
Truck/Trailer Loading/Unloading
push instead of
Unless specifically allowed in the instructions, ComplyRight products may be photocopied only when the user is legally the flames appear to
begin rescue breathing:
and push fast (rate of 100 to 120 compressions a minute).
Forks lowered to safe travel height before moving
sure you take a regular (not a deep) breath between each rescue
breath. This prevents you from getting dizzy or lightheaded. Watch
Traveling with a load
Local Emergency Phone #: _______________________________________ Name: ________________________Phone:_______________________________ compelled to do so. Any other photocopying or reproducing in any form, whether in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Forks lowered to safe travel height before moving Chocked wheels/jack stand in place
be out. Watch the fire
Traveling with a load
Chocked wheels/jack stand in place
CPR Kit Location: _______________________________________________ Name: ________________________Phone:_______________________________ a lever. the victim’s chest. If it does not clearly rise and fall after the first Did not raise or lower the load while traveling Set brakes Set brakes
Did not raise or lower the load while traveling
If you are not trained in CPR or are uncomfortable with your ability to provide rescue breaths, skip steps 6 and 7 and continue performing chest compressions W0873 – Bundle – Bilingual Looked in the direction of travel Daily Inspection Checklist
rescue breath, perform the head tilt-chin lift again before giving
Looked in the direction of travel
Put dockboard/bridgeplates in place
the second rescue breath.
Put dockboard/bridgeplates in place
After the Fire: Always be sure the fire department inspects the fire site – even if you think you’ve extinguished the fire.
©2009 EDI at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions a minute until an AED arrives and is ready for use, the victim begins to move or EMS personnel take over care of the victim. area. If it re-ignites, ©2016 ComplyRight, Inc. Kept legs and arms inside running lines Horn/backup alarm sounded to indicate reverse movement W1732
Kept legs and arms inside running lines
Horn/backup alarm sounded to indicate reverse movement
repeat the process.
Open the airway by placing one hand on the victim’s forehead and This product is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information. However, it is not a substitute for legal or Bloodborne Pathogens Poster Sounded horn at intersections and pedestrians It is imperative that a safety check be performed before each shift to ensure safe operation. ■ Oil Leaks
Work Platforms
Do not try more than two times to give a rescue breath that makes the chest rise, because it is important to continue chest compressions.
Sounded horn at intersections and pedestrians
Work Platforms
the other hand under the victim’s chin and gently tilt the victim’s
Check for any defects in the items below before duty:
Used only approved platforms for elevating personnel
Used only approved platforms for elevating personnel
Yielded to pedestrians
6 After 30 compressions – 6 CPR VolUnTEERS: Repeat the combination of 30 chest compressions and two rescue WR0233 – English • WR1150 – Spanish WR0048 – Forklift Safety Poster Maintained a safe speed ■ Battery Connector ■ Engine ■ Overhead Guard ■ Oil Pressure For More Information, Please Contact:
Yielded to pedestrians
■ Hydraulic Controls
■ Fuel Level
■ Accelerator
head back (head tilt-chin lift method). Maintaining the open airway,
Secured the platform
Secured the platform
Maintained a safe speed
gently pinch the victim’s nose shut and cover the mouth with yours,
medical advice and does not provide legal or medical opinions on any specific facts or services. The information is
provided with the understanding that any person or entity involved in creating, producing or distributing this product is
not liable for any damages arising out of the use or inability to use this product. You are urged to consult an attorney and/
911 OR
Observed all traffic rules, warning signs,
Did not allow passengers on platform while traveling
Did not allow passengers on platform while traveling
creating an airtight seal, or use a mouth guard as shown. Give the
Name: ________________________Phone:_______________________________
Observed all traffic rules, warning signs,
or medical professional concerning your particular situation and any specific questions or concerns you may have.
floor load limits, and overhead clearances
Oil Level
Ambulance: ___________________________________________________
victim two full, slow rescue breaths. Each rescue breath should
Fueling and Battery Recharging
Fueling and Battery Recharging
■ Steering
■ Battery –
open the airway and
Unless specifically allowed in the instructions, ComplyRight products may be photocopied only when the user is legally
Local Emergency Phone #: _______________________________________ After delivery of two
floor load limits, and overhead clearances
■ Radiator Level
breaths, remembering to release all pressure between pushes and to
compelled to do so. Any other photocopying or reproducing in any form, whether in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.
Name: ________________________Phone:_______________________________
be delivered in one second and should cause the chest to rise.
Turned engine off
■ Gauges
Followed other vehicles at a safe distance
Discharge Indicator
Followed other vehicles at a safe distance
Turned engine off
■ Unusual
watch the chest rise and fall during breaths. You should continue this
■ Lights –
begin rescue breathing:
Wore appropriate PPE
Allowed no passengers
Make sure you take a regular (not a deep) breath between each
CPR Kit Location: _______________________________________________ rescue breaths:
Name: ________________________Phone:_______________________________
Head and Tail
Allowed no passengers
combination of compressions/breaths until an AED arrives, the victim
■ Brakes – Parking
Wore appropriate PPE
■ Horn
Hooked up charger properly
Slowed down when changing directions
begins to move or EMS personnel take over CPR.
Hooked up charger properly
Watch the victim’s chest. If it does not clearly rise and fall after the
Followed proper fueling and battery recharging procedures
first rescue breath, perform the head tilt-chin lift again before giving
Applied brakes and stopped smoothly
Followed proper fueling and battery recharging procedures
Applied brakes and stopped smoothly
©2009 EDI rescue breath. This prevents you from getting dizzy or lightheaded. #W0321 Slowed down when changing directions ■ Brakes – Service ■ Hour Meter ■ Lights – Warning ■ Tires Telephone
the second rescue breath. This product is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information. However, it is not a substitute for legal W0722 – Forklift Safety Video – English Traveled with forks at a proper distance above Overall Evaluation
Traveled with forks at a proper distance above
Overall Evaluation
ground surface
ground surface
provided with the understanding that any person or entity involved in creating, producing or distributing this product
Do not try more than two times to give a rescue breath that makes the chest rise, because it is important to continue chest compressions. or medical advice and does not provide legal or medical opinions on any specific facts or services. The information is Recommendations/Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
is not liable for any damages arising out of the use or inability to use this product. You are urged to consult an attorney
Recommendations/Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
and/or medical professional concerning your particular situation and any specific questions or concerns you may have.
This product is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information. However, it is not a substitute for legal advice and does not provide legal opinions on any specific facts or services. The information is provided with the understanding that any person or entity
911 OR
involved in creating, producing or distributing this product is not liable for any damages arising out of the use or inability to use this product. You are urged to consult an attorney concerning your particular situation and any specific questions or concerns you may have.
Ambulance: __________________________________________________ Name: _______________________ Phone: ________________________________ Unless specifically allowed in the instructions, ComplyRight products may be photocopied only when the user is legally Fire Extinguisher Poster _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ©2016 ComplyRight, Inc. W0048
compelled to do so. Any other photocopying or reproducing in any form, whether in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.
7 After delivery of two ©2015 EDI CPR Kit Location: ______________________________________________ Name: _______________________ Phone: ________________________________ W0328 WR0239 – English • WR0223 – Spanish W0806 – Forklift Safety Video – Bilingual ©2016 ComplyRight, Inc. Date ______________ W0300 W0300
Important note: This is approved for use by the purchaser only. This form may not be shared publicly or with third parties.
Name: _______________________ Phone: ________________________________
Local Emergency Phone #: ______________________________________
Repeat the combination of 30 chest compressions and two rescue
Evaluator’s Signature _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Evaluator’s Signature _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Date ______________
breaths, remembering to release all pressure between pushes and to
/ /
/ /
watch the chest rise and fall during breaths. You should continue this
rescue breaths:
combination of compressions/breaths until an AED arrives, the victim
©2016 ComplyRight, Inc.
begins to move or EMS personnel take over CPR.
This product is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information. However, it is not a substitute for legal
EMERGENCY INFORMATION: CPR VOLUNTEERS: or medical advice and does not provide legal or medical opinions on any specific facts or services. The information is
provided with the understanding that any person or entity involved in creating, producing or distributing this product Checklist form: 50/pkg. Evaluation Form: 25/pkg. 2-part
is not liable for any damages arising out of the use or inability to use this product. You are urged to consult an attorney
911 OR
Unless specifically allowed in the instructions, ComplyRight products may be photocopied only when the user is legally
Ambulance: __________________________________________________ Name: _______________________ Phone: ________________________________ and/or medical professional concerning your particular situation and any specific questions or concerns you may have.
compelled to do so. Any other photocopying or reproducing in any form, whether in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Laminated. Poster size: 18¼” x 24¼”.
Local Emergency Phone #: ______________________________________ Name: _______________________ Phone: ________________________________
CPR Kit Location: ______________________________________________ Name: _______________________ Phone: ________________________________ carbonless. 11" x 8½". Laminated. Poster size: 18¼" x 24¼".
©2015 EDI W0324
Understanding GHS Hazard
Communication Labeling
Our Company Is a
DRUGFREE OSHA has updated the requirements for labeling of hazardous chemicals to
align with the Globally Harmonized System (GHS). As of June 1, 2015, all labels
will be required to have pictograms, a signal word, hazard and precautionary
statements, the product identifi er, and supplier identifi cation. A sample revised
label, including the required label elements, is shown at left. Supplemental
information can also be provided on the label as needed.
WORKPLACE Label confi guration may vary from this example. Labels must contain the following required elements:
Product Identifier
Lists the name or number used for the hazardous chemical. Hazard Pictograms
Conveys health, physical and environmental hazard
It provides a unique means by which a reader can identify information assigned to a hazard class and category.
the chemical. Includes a symbol plus other graphic elements, such as
Our Company is committed to maintaining a productive, drug-free workplace that a border, background pattern, or color. There are eight
mandatory OSHA pictograms designated under OSHA’s
keeps employees and customers safe from harm. For this reason, we may require Supplier Identification Hazard Communication Standard for application to
a hazard category.
applicants and employees to take screening tests for alcohol and illegal drug use Lists the name, address and telephone number of the
chemical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party.
before hiring and during employment. Signal Words
Indicates the relative level of severity of the hazard
We expect all employees to comply with this drug-free workplace policy, to be Precautionary Statements and alerts the reader to a potential hazard on the label.
“Danger” is used for the more severe hazards, while
responsible for their actions, and to recognize and report any workplace dangers. Describes recommended measures that should be taken to “warning” is used for the less severe. These are the
minimize or prevent adverse effects resulting from exposure only two signal words a reader will see on a label.
to a hazardous chemical or improper storage or handling.
Dangers of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Drugs and alcohol can have serious – even fatal – effects. The health and Hazard Statements Supplemental Information
well-being of employees, coworkers and customers can be endangered by:
■ Dependence or addiction Lists standard OSHA phrases assigned to a hazard class Lists any other information provided by the labeler such
■ Medical emergencies or accidents resulting from and category that describe the nature of the hazard. as the physical state of the chemical or directions for use.
drug- or alcohol-induced impairment
■ Chronic physical problems resulting from drug or alcohol abuse
■ Increased risk of exposure to HIV, hepatitis and other diseases Health Flame Exclamation
HCS Pictograms Hazard Mark
Safety-Sensitive Industries and Hazards • Irritant
(skin and eye)
Under the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991, • Carcinogen • Flammables • Skin Sensitizer
employers in safety-sensitive industries – including aviation, motor carriers, Hazard Communication • Mutagenicity • Pyrophorics • Acute Toxicity
interstate trucking, government vehicles, bus transport, railroad and mass • Reproductive Toxicity • Self-Heating • Narcotic Effects
transit – must test all employees for drug and alcohol use. This can include: Standard Pictograms • Respiratory Sensitizer • Emits Flammable Gas • Respiratory Tract Irritant
• Self-Reactives
• Target Organ Toxicity
• Hazardous to Ozone Layer
■ Random alcohol tests before, during or immediately after • Aspiration Toxicity • Organic Peroxides (Non-Mandatory)
the performance of safety-sensitive work As of June 1, 2015, the Hazard
■ Two evidential breathing tests (EBT) with devices approved Communication Standard (HCS) will Gas Corrosion Exploding
by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to determine require pictograms on labels to alert Cylinder Bomb
whether an employee has a prohibited alcohol concentration
State laws and company policy may require employers in other industries users of the chemical hazards to which • Eye Damage
to conduct alcohol and drug testing. ZERO TOLERANCE they may be exposed. • Corrosive • Explosives
• Self-Reactives
to Metals
If you suspect a coworker of drug or alcohol abuse, Each pictogram consists of a symbol on • Gases Under Pressure • Skin Corrosion/Burns • Organic Peroxides
please report it to your manager or safety supervisor. a white background framed within a red
border and represents a distinct hazard(s).
The pictogram on the label is determined Flame Over Environment Skull and
by the chemical hazard classi cation.
• Acute Toxicity
This product is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information. However, it is not a substitute for legal advice and does not provide legal opinions on any specific facts or services. The information • Oxidizers • Aquatic Toxicity ( Fatal or Toxic )
©2017 ComplyRight, Inc. is provided with the understanding that any person or entity involved in creating, producing or distributing this product is not liable for any damages arising out of the use or inability to use this product. You
are urged to consult an attorney concerning your particular situation and any specific questions or concerns you may have.
W0248 Important note: This is approved for use by the purchaser only. This form may not be shared publicly or with third parties.
This product is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information. However, it is not a substitute for legal advice and does not provide legal opinions on any specific facts or services. The information is provided with the understanding that any person or entity
involved in creating, producing or distributing this product is not liable for any damages arising out of the use or inability to use this product. You are urged to consult an attorney concerning your particular situation and any specific questions or concerns you may have.
©2013 EDI W0720 Important note: This is approved for use by the purchaser only. This form may not be shared publicly or with third parties.
Drug-Free Poster Slips, Trips & Falls Bloodborne Pathogens GHS Hazard Lock/Tagout Understanding GHS Hazardous
Communication Materials Labeling Poster
Communicate a commitment to a drug-free Comply with OSHA’s walking/ Educate your employees about Train and certify personnel
workplace with a positive message. working surface standards. Ensure disease transmission, accident Train employees to understand a in using lockout and tagout HazCom labeling is easier to understand with this OSHA-
that employees are aware of prevention, safe-housekeeping devices to prevent accidents, in
■ Explains possible substance screening Safety Data Sheet, read chemical labels compliant poster, which shows the symbols and language
requirement and the physical and legal potential workplace hazards. procedures and exposure control. and identify workplace hazards in accordance with OSHA standards. of the required GHS Labeling system. Protect employees
dangers of drug abuse ■ Demonstrate safe techniques ■ Ideal for training employees compliance with the GHS standards. ■ Meets OSHA standards for from workplace danger and avoid safety violations.
■ Helps deter substance abusers for common work activities in healthcare facilities, hotels, ■ Includes PowerPoint presentation required training at offices, ■ Explains labels in bold, quick-reference format
from applying at workplace ■ Prevent lost-time injuries, lower manufacturing and janitorial work ■ Customize to industry guidelines restaurants, warehouses and ■ Complies with required OSHA HazCom
workers’ compensation costs ■ Helps employers comply with or company policies manufacturing plants standards on labeling
Item No. WR0248 and increase productivity OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Item No. W0080 ■ Reduces the risk of OSHA-related
Laminated. Size: 18" x 24". Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030 fines for noncompliance W0720 – English • W0721 – Spanish
Item No. W0712
Laminated. Size: 18½" x 24¼".
Item No. W0719 Item No. W0716
20 Workplace Safety & Training Workplace Safety & Training 21